Water Levels and Discharges  |  Reservoirs  |  Precipitation  |  Water quality Last site revision 01.05.2024 21:14
Water Levels and Discharges CAUTION: All data are without validation 01.05.2024 21:17:23
Povodí MoravyPovodí OdryPovodí OhřePovodí VltavyZávod 1Závod 2Závod 3 Povodí LabePovodí MoravyPovodí OdryPovodí OhřePovodí Vltavy
All facilities:
Overview Map
station off  = station off
information is not available  = information is not available
low flow rates  = low flow rates
0 (State of Normal)  = 0 (State of Normal)
1 (State of Alert)  = 1 (State of Alert)
2 (State of Emergency)  = 2 (State of Emergency)
3 (State of Danger)  = 3 (State of Danger)
VykricnikBod3 (State of extreme flood)  = 3 (State of extreme flood)
increase of water level on 30 cm or higher during 3 hours  = increase of water level on 30 cm or higher during 3 hours
decrease of water level on 20 cm or higher during 3 hours  = decrease of water level on 20 cm or higher during 3 hours
Territorial application s.p. Povodí
Legenda oblastZávod Jablonec nad NisouZávod Jablonec nad Nisou
Legenda oblastZávod PardubiceZávod Pardubice
Legenda oblastZávod Roudnice nad LabemZávod Roudnice nad Labem
For further information of the other premier profiles (category C) or other specific profile, click on the facility
Tyto informace jsou dostupné i přes aplikaci pro mobilní telefony s OS Android (Stavy a průtoky)
  Povodí Labe, státní podnik © 2024 The system uses also data from measuring stations of   Czech Hydrometeorological Institute © 2024 Application developed by   MGE Data s.r.o. © 1996 - 2014